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Sunday, September 7, 2014

The BIG C....That is Cancer

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I guess you're asking me, "Why are you writing about CANCER if this is a blog about the Best Loved Things?".  Well, I am here to tell  you that if you have cancer or know someone who does, LOVE THEM and YOURSELF the BEST! Don't give yourself or them a death sentence.  It is a wake up call to love better and deeper than you ever have in your life.  Here is my take.  It is all about your mind and your GOD over matter.  Don't carry having cancer or knowing that a beloved one has cancer as a sign of pending disaster. Know that once you  have settled it in your mind, you can handle having cancer or supporting someone who has cancer! Now, hand it over to GOD because at this point it does not matter.  God is the ultimate healer.  Now let's begin to work on doing some of the things that will make us feel better.

1. Pray and find your spiritual center
          Start by saying... I am too blessed to be stressed. Another good one to start the day is, Don't tell God  how great the storm is... Tell the storm how great YOUR GOD is.
Spiritual Quotes

2. Surround yourself with positive energy and people with WINNING attitudes
Winning Quotes
Successories Winning Quotes

3. Understand the importance of food and nutrition.  Junk + Junk = 2 much Junk
    There are 10 Foods that you must incorporate into your diet.  Every day at  least three of these should           be consumed!
    BERRIES - Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
    CRUCIFEROUS  VEGGIES - Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus
    WHOLE GRAINS - Oats, barley, brown rice, whole wheat
    TURMERIC - can also be  found in Indian curry
    LEAFY GREEN VEGGIE - Greens (Mustard, Collards Kale), spinach
    RED GRAPES - A glass of red wine or red sangria is great too
Great Cancer Fighting Foods
Health.com's 6 Cancer Super Foods

4. Educate yourself.  Understand your condition. Don't  be afraid to ask questions or say you do not understand what you are hearing.
MD Anderson News

5. Get a second opinion.  Doctors are human. YOU know your body. Confirm the confirmation!
Cancer Centers Of America


  1. All of this is so true! If you knew someone with cancer don't walk away..call them up just to talk, go by to visit them, bring dinner for the family, just be there. Cancer is not an contiguous disease...its okay to come around and hang out with those dealing with such a tragic sickness. One thing to remember is that chemo brain is real. If your loved one repeats the same thing three or four times...let them...we honestly don't remember saying so please just be kind.

  2. All of this is so true! If you knew someone with cancer don't walk away..call them up just to talk, go by to visit them, bring dinner for the family, just be there. Cancer is not an contiguous disease...its okay to come around and hang out with those dealing with such a tragic sickness. One thing to remember is that chemo brain is real. If your loved one repeats the same thing three or four times...let them...we honestly don't remember saying so please just be kind.

  3. Thank you for taking time to comment. Knowledge is power! My victory prayers surround you! Please read some of my other articles and comment or share with friends. Your input energizes me to write on even deeper levels. Thanks again for contributing.


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